1、It can be extremely annoying when a guy insists that he will do something,but never gets around to do it。汉堡王承诺,要在2025年之前让汉堡王在英国的500家分店全部使用可回收的包装。Burger King has committed to using recyclable packaging in all its 500 UK stores by 2025。
2、科学等需要精确分割的场合。例如:Divide 30 by 5 to get the answer. 把30除以5就可以得到答案。separate则更常用于生活中的一般场合,例如将衣物、食物或人群等分开。例如:Please separate the recyclable trash from the non-recyclable. 请把可回收的垃圾和不可回收的垃圾分开。
3、be made from the original 仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。——Synthetic silk can be made from wood fibres.人造丝可用木纤维制造。——There are energy s***ings to be made from all recyclable materials, sometimes huge s***ings . 所有可回收材料都可以节省能源,而且有时节省量很可观。